well said 대 very well said: 어느 것이 옳은 표현인가요?

인터넷 검색 결과:
사람들이 가장 자주 사용하는 표현은 well said 입니다

well said 또는 very well said: 뜻과 주요 차이점

"well said"와 "very well said"는 모두 누군가의 의견이나 발언에 대해 긍정적으로 표현하는 데 사용되는 구문입니다. "well said"는 상대방의 말이 적절하고 훌륭하다는 의미를 간단하게 전달하며, 주로 짧은 피드백으로 사용됩니다. 반면, "very well said"는 더욱 강한 찬사를 담고 있어, 상대방의 발언이 특히 인상적이거나 공감이 간다는 것을 강조합니다. 따라서, "well said"는 긍정적인 평가를 내리는 기본적인 표현이라면, "very well said"는 그 평과 양을 분명히 더하는 표현으로 볼 수 있습니다.

  • well said의 예문

    문장에서 well said 활용법

    검색 결과 약 18,600,000 개

    “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier,” said the bank teller. “Well said!” came the reply.

    “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” “Well said,” came the murmur from the audience.

    It was Steve Jobs who said “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking.” And I say “well said!”

    Well said, sir!

    He gave his speech with flair and guile. And when he finally denounced the other candidate there were should of “Well said” and That’s right” from the gathering crowd.

    Person A: It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Person B: ""Well said."

    “Well done is better than well said”, said Benjamin Franklin. The meaning of this quote from a man who really knew what he was talking about is pretty clear.

    Well said, sir. Everyone needs to read and remember these points.

    The expression "well said" does not always denote an appreciation for someone's phraseology.

    He smirked and said to me “I say that kids should be given just one meal a day and a safe place to sleep. The smart ones will find the library and thrive. The dumb and unlucky will perish. I said “Well said” sarcastically.

    Once in a blue moon, he’ll say what a good chef she is. His “that was properly good” was always met with a chorus of “well said” from the rest of the table.

    The point was well said by our President, Jerry Simmons.

  • very well said의 예문

    문장에서 very well said 활용법

    검색 결과 약 6,800,000 개

    These struggling and contradictive qualities were also reflected on the participants’ experiences of the current study. “Very well said”, muttered the professor.

    It was very well said, whoever it way who shouted that “Similar to some scholars speculating that therapists might feel ashamed due to perceiving their tears as a transgression of therapeutic rules”.

    “There’s no need to get so excited. What we found out simply suggests the main sources available as meat alternative or food, and presents commercial products on the market and their ingredients”. “Very well said,” came the reply from the inspector.

    Very well said and most articulate.

    Very well said... Sack the lot of them... there are many people who would be delighted with the 6 percent increase as a starting salary and be willing to work hard for it.

    Meanwhile, a third wrote: "Very well said. Stay true to those beliefs and you will find someone when the time and the person is right."

    That was very well said, I have to tell you.

    That speech was very well said, considering that she’s only 10 years old and has a stomach infection.

    Well said, my lord. Very well said indeed!

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