won't vs wont:どちらが正しい?


won't or wont? : 意味と違い

「won't」は「will not」の短縮形で、未来の行動や意志を否定する際に使います。一方、「wont」は「慣れている」や「習慣」を意味する古い言葉です。例えば、「I won't go to the party.」(私はパーティーに行かない。)と「He is wont to read before bed.」(彼は寝る前に読むのが習慣だ。)のように使われます。文脈によって意味が異なるため、注意が必要です。

  • won'tの例文


    I won't be able to attend the meeting today.

    She said she won't finish the project on time.

    They won't go to the party if it rains.

    He promised he won't forget my birthday.

    I won't eat that cake because I'm on a diet.

    We won't see each other until next month.

    The teacher assured us that she won't give us a pop quiz.

    I won't take no for an answer this time.

    She won't believe what happened at the concert.

    He won't stop talking about his vacation plans.

  • wontの例文


    I wont be able to attend the meeting today.

    She said she wont forget my birthday.

    They wont finish the project on time if they keep procrastinating.

    He promised he wont let us down again.

    I wont tolerate any disrespect in my classroom.

    The weather forecast says it wont rain tomorrow.

    She wont accept any excuses for being late.

    I wont change my mind about this decision.

    He wont stop until he achieves his goals.

    We wont have enough time to complete the task if we don't hurry.

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