woah vs whoa:どちらが正しい?


woah or whoa? : 意味と違い


  • woahの例文


    I can't believe you just did that, woah!

    When I saw the view from the top, I thought, woah, this is amazing!

    After hearing the news, all I could say was woah!

    The performance was so good that the audience gasped, woah!

    As the roller coaster dropped, I screamed, woah!

    When she showed me her artwork, I was like, woah, that's incredible!

    He just pulled off a stunt that made everyone go, woah!

    Seeing the sunset over the ocean made me whisper, woah.

    When the magician revealed his trick, the crowd erupted in woah!

    After tasting the dessert, I couldn't help but exclaim, woah, that's delicious!

  • whoaの例文


    I just saw a car that was so fast, I couldn't help but say whoa.

    When she revealed her new hairstyle, everyone in the room exclaimed whoa.

    The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking, and I whispered whoa.

    As the magician performed his final trick, the audience gasped in unison, whoa!

    He opened the gift and found the latest smartphone inside, and all he could say was whoa.

    The roller coaster was so thrilling that I shouted whoa at the top of my lungs.

    After seeing the stunning artwork, I stood there in awe and thought, whoa.

    When the fireworks lit up the sky, the crowd erupted with a collective whoa.

    She showed me her dance moves, and I was left speechless, thinking whoa.

    The concert was so amazing that I couldn't stop saying whoa throughout the night.

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