who vs whom:どちらが正しい?


who or whom? : 意味と違い

「who」と「whom」は英語の代名詞ですが、使い方が異なります。「who」は主格で、文の主語として使われます。一方、「whom」は目的格で、文の目的語として使われます。例えば、「Who is coming?」は「誰が来るの?」という意味で、「Whom did you see?」は「誰に会ったの?」という意味です。文の中での役割によって使い分けることが重要です。

  • whoの例文


    The teacher asked who completed the assignment on time.

    I wonder who will join us for dinner tonight.

    Do you know who is responsible for this project?

    She is the one who always helps me with my homework.

    Can you tell me who called you yesterday?

    He is the person who inspired me to pursue my dreams.

    I can't remember who I lent my book to.

    Who is your favorite author of all time?

    It's important to know who you can trust in difficult situations.

    Who would have thought that we would meet again?

  • whomの例文


    The teacher asked whom we should invite to the party.

    I wonder whom she is talking to on the phone.

    Do you know whom I can contact for more information?

    Whom do you think will win the competition?

    It's unclear whom the letter was addressed to.

    She is the person whom I admire the most.

    Whom did you see at the concert last night?

    He couldn't remember whom he had met at the event.

    Whom are you going to trust with this secret?

    The committee will decide whom to award the scholarship to.

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