while vs whilst:どちらが正しい?


while or whilst? : 意味と違い


  • whileの例文


    I like to listen to music while I study.

    She read a book while waiting for the bus.

    He enjoys jogging while the sun rises.

    They chatted while having coffee at the café.

    I often think about my goals while taking a walk.

    She sings while cooking dinner for her family.

    We can discuss the project while having lunch together.

    He likes to watch movies while relaxing on the couch.

    I write in my journal while sipping tea in the morning.

    They play games while waiting for their flight.

  • whilstの例文


    The sun was shining brightly, whilst the birds sang cheerfully.

    She studied hard for her exams, whilst her friends went out to party.

    He enjoyed reading novels, whilst she preferred watching movies.

    The children played in the park, whilst their parents chatted nearby.

    She cooked dinner, whilst he set the table for their guests.

    The team worked late into the night, whilst the deadline loomed closer.

    He listened to music, whilst he worked on his painting.

    They traveled across the country, whilst documenting their adventures on social media.

    The cat slept peacefully, whilst the dog kept watch at the door.

    She smiled at him, whilst trying to hide her nervousness.

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