were vs was:どちらが正しい?


were or was? : 意味と違い

「were」と「was」は、英語の動詞「be」の過去形ですが、使い方が異なります。「was」は主語が単数のときに使われ、「I」や「he」、「she」、「it」などに対応します。一方、「were」は主語が複数のときや「you」に使われます。例えば、「I was happy」は「私は幸せだった」と訳され、「They were happy」は「彼らは幸せだった」となります。つまり、主語の数によって使い分けることが重要です。

  • wereの例文


    They were excited to see the concert.

    The children were playing in the park.

    We were happy to receive the good news.

    They were not aware of the changes.

    The books were on the shelf.

    She said they were going to the beach.

    The flowers were blooming beautifully.

    He thought they were the best team.

    The cookies were freshly baked.

    They were planning a surprise party.

  • wasの例文


    The weather was beautiful yesterday.

    She was excited about the trip.

    He was the best player on the team.

    The movie was really interesting.

    They were happy that the event was a success.

    My favorite book was published last year.

    The cake was delicious and everyone loved it.

    It was a long day at work.

    Her smile was contagious and brightened the room.

    The concert was unforgettable and full of energy.

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