used to vs use to:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はused toです。

used to or use to? : 意味と違い

「used to」は過去の習慣や状態を表すのに使われ、「use to」は誤用で、正しくは「used to」と言います。例えば、「私は子供の頃、毎日公園に行った」という場合は「I used to go to the park every day.」となります。「use to」は文法的に正しくないため、使わないようにしましょう。過去のことを話すときは、必ず「used to」を使うことが重要です。

  • used toの例文

    H例文でのused toの用法

    I used to play soccer every weekend.

    She used to live in Paris before moving to London.

    They used to go camping every summer.

    He used to be a vegetarian but now eats meat.

    We used to visit our grandparents every holiday.

    I used to read a lot of books when I was younger.

    She used to work at a coffee shop during college.

    They used to travel abroad every year.

    He used to have a pet dog when he was a child.

    We used to enjoy hiking in the mountains together.

  • use toの例文

    例文でのuse toの用法

    He didn't use to eat vegetables, but now he loves them.

    She use to go jogging every morning, but now she prefers yoga.

    They use to live in a small town before moving to the city.

    He use to play the piano, but he hasn't practiced in years.

    We use to travel every summer, but now we stay home more.

    I use to drink coffee every day, but now I drink tea instead.

    She use to be shy, but now she's much more outgoing.

    They use to have a dog, but now they have a cat.

    He use to watch TV all the time, but now he reads books.

    We use to go to the same school before we graduated.

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