toward vs towards:どちらが正しい?


toward or towards? : 意味と違い

「toward」と「towards」は、どちらも「〜の方へ」という意味を持つ前置詞です。主にアメリカ英語では「toward」が使われ、イギリス英語では「towards」が一般的です。意味や用法に大きな違いはなく、文脈によって使い分けられます。例えば、「He walked toward the door.」と「He walked towards the door.」は同じ意味です。したがって、どちらを使っても問題ありません。

  • towardの例文


    The cat walked toward the open window.

    She took a step toward her dreams.

    He leaned toward her to hear better.

    The road curves toward the mountains in the distance.

    They moved toward the sound of laughter.

    She felt a pull toward the ocean waves.

    The teacher pointed toward the board for clarification.

    He ran toward the finish line with all his might.

    The sun was setting toward the west.

    They headed toward the exit after the show.

  • towardsの例文


    The cat walked towards the sunny spot on the floor.

    She leaned towards him to hear what he was saying.

    They are working towards a common goal for the project.

    He took a step towards the door, ready to leave.

    The children ran towards the playground with excitement.

    She has a positive attitude towards life and its challenges.

    The team is moving towards a more sustainable future.

    He pointed towards the mountain in the distance.

    The teacher encouraged her students to think towards their future careers.

    They walked hand in hand towards the sunset, enjoying the moment.

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