titled vs entitled:どちらが正しい?


titled or entitled? : 意味と違い

「titled」と「entitled」は異なる意味を持つ英単語です。「titled」は「タイトルが付けられた」という意味で、書籍や映画などの名称を示します。一方、「entitled」は「権利が与えられた」という意味で、特定の権利や資格を持つことを表します。例えば、「titled book」は「タイトルのある本」を指し、「entitled to vote」は「投票する権利がある」という意味になります。このように、文脈によって使い分ける必要があります。

  • titledの例文


    The book titled "The Great Adventure" captivated readers of all ages.

    She submitted a paper titled "The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity."

    The movie titled "A Journey Through Time" received critical acclaim.

    He wrote an article titled "The Future of Technology in Education."

    The painting titled "Whispers of the Forest" was displayed in the gallery.

    They released a documentary titled "Voices of the Forgotten."

    The song titled "Chasing Dreams" became an instant hit.

    Her presentation titled "Innovations in Renewable Energy" impressed the audience.

    The research paper titled "Understanding Human Behavior" was published in a prestigious journal.

    The exhibition titled "Art in the Modern World" attracted many visitors.

  • entitledの例文


    She felt entitled to a promotion after her hard work.

    The students believed they were entitled to a better education.

    He was entitled to receive compensation for his injuries.

    Many people feel entitled to their opinions being heard.

    The contract clearly stated that he was entitled to a bonus.

    She acted as if she was entitled to special treatment.

    They were entitled to access the exclusive members' area.

    The law states that citizens are entitled to certain rights.

    He was entitled to a refund for the defective product.

    She always thought she was entitled to the best seat in the house.

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