time constraints vs time constraint:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はtime constraintsです。

time constraints or time constraint? : 意味と違い

「time constraint」と「time constraints」は似た意味を持っていますが、微妙な違いがあります。「time constraint」は特定の一つの時間制約を指し、主に特定の作業やプロジェクトが与えられた時間内に完了しなければならない状況を強調します。一方で、「time constraints」は複数の時間制約が存在する状況を示し、複数形であるため、さまざまな要素が関わる複雑なスケジュール管理や優先順位の設定が必要であることを示しています。これらの違いは、プロジェクト管理や業務計画において重要な判断基準となる可能性があります。

  • time constraintsの例文

    H例文でのtime constraintsの用法


    Court-imposed time constraints apply to anything the defendent wishes to appeal.

    For Infotypes falling under Time Constraints 1, 2 and 3: It is mandatory for a record to exist, and only 1 can exist at any point in time.

    There are quite a few time constraints that make it almost impossible for me to complete this project on time.

    Time constraints are now excuse for late work, Tina. You should always be on time with your tasks at work.

    Are there any time constraints keeping us from enjoying this activity?

    Time constraints be damned--we are going to have this festival no matter what!

    I didn't even think of all the time constraints that might make it very difficult for us to complete this on time.

  • time constraintの例文

    例文でのtime constraintの用法


    I said that there is a time constraint that makes it difficult to complete this task, but my boss didn't care.

    One major time constraint is watching TV or searching social media or the internet, and this really isn't a true** constraint on anyone's time**.

    A time constraint is something that requires a LOT of extra time but is essential to do or attend.

    I didn't even have one time constraint last week, so I completed a lot of crafts for the art fair.

    Do you have a time constraint for this weekend's team-building event?

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