that vs which:どちらが正しい?


that or which? : 意味と違い

「that」と「which」は、どちらも関係代名詞ですが、使い方に違いがあります。「that」は制限的用法で、先行詞を特定するために使われます。一方、「which」は非制限的用法で、先行詞に追加情報を提供する際に用いられます。例えば、「The book that I read was interesting.」は特定の本を指しますが、「The book, which I read last year, was interesting.」はその本についての補足情報を提供しています。

  • thatの例文


    The book that I borrowed was fascinating.

    She said that she would come to the party.

    I can't believe that you did it all by yourself.

    The movie that we watched last night was thrilling.

    He mentioned that he would be late for dinner.

    This is the place that we talked about.

    I remember that day as if it were yesterday.

    The teacher explained that the test would be difficult.

    I found the keys that I thought I lost.

    It's important that you finish your homework on time.

  • whichの例文


    The book which you lent me was fascinating.

    I have a friend which loves to travel.

    The movie which we watched last night was thrilling.

    She couldn't decide which dress to wear to the party.

    The restaurant which serves the best pizza is nearby.

    He asked me which route to take for the hike.

    The project which we are working on is due next week.

    I remember the day which we first met very clearly.

    The song which is playing on the radio is my favorite.

    Can you tell me which option is better for our plan?

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