thanks for your kind words vs thank you for the kind words:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はthanks for your kind wordsです。

thanks for your kind words or thank you for the kind words? : 意味と違い

「thanks for your kind words」と「thank you for the kind words」はどちらも感謝の気持ちを表す表現ですが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。「thanks for your kind words」はカジュアルで親しみやすい印象を与え、友人や親しい知人に対してよく使われます。一方で、「thank you for the kind words」はより公式で丁寧な表現であり、初対面の人やビジネスシーンでの使用に適しています。そのため、状況に応じて適切な表現を選ぶことが大切です。

  • thanks for your kind wordsの例文

    H例文でのthanks for your kind wordsの用法


    I want to acknowledge it and offer thanks for your kind words and support.

    I love this post, and thanks for your kind words about my interviews:).

    However, it isn't often that we receive a letter such as yours. I want to acknowledge it and offer thanks for your kind words and support.

    Thanks for your kind words of support during this difficult time for our family.

    Thanks for your kind words, Dad. It means a lot.

    Many thanks for your kind words! It's always great to have you, Vincent, and I hope you will be back with us again soon.

    » [Villa Faraldi] reply: Sandra thanks for your kind words, and I remember with great pleasure.

    I wish to express my most sincere thanks for your kind words of welcome to the White House.

    » [Le Pialle di Marco Spiganti] reply: Luke, you say! Thanks for your kind words and I am really glad you enjoyed it, the income to see you with a better time.

    I liked it very much.That was a pretty intense record, with heavy music and an incredible freshness! Many thanks for your kind words, Alessandra.

  • thank you for the kind wordsの例文

    例文でのthank you for the kind wordsの用法


    [La Roccia di Caserta] reply: Biagio dear, thank you for the kind words that you have reserved.

    [Arabesque di Billeci Maddalena] reply: Mrs. Mazzola, Thank you for the kind words that gave us!

    I bid you a most cordial welcome and **thank you for the kind words **you addressed to me.

    I am pleased to welcome you on the occasion of your traditional visit to the tomb of St Cyril and I greet you cordially. I thank you for the kind words you addressed to me.

    Thank you for the kind words which you have extended to me, and also for the respectful greeting on behalf of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Mr Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal.

    I thank you for the kind words contained in your message to me at my election, and I wish in turn to offer my greetings and best wishes on the occasion of your Enthronement at Canterbury Cathedral.

    Special thanks to Mrs. Francesca (Translated with Google Translate) Read the original Translate Stay: 6/2015 Traveller: Couples Holiday: Short stays Agriturismo Arabesque di Billeci Maddalena answers Mrs. Mazzola, Thank you for the kind words that gave us!

    » [Il Maestrale] reply: Dear friends, thank you for the kind words repay our commitment nell'accolgienza.

    Today, with heartfelt gratitude I reciprocate your courteous visit to me on 8 June at the Vatican. I thank you for the kind words of welcome with which you received me, expressing the sentiments of the Italian people.

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