splatter vs spatter




  • splatter

    The paint began to splatter across the canvas in vibrant colors.

    As the car drove through the puddle, water would splatter onto the sidewalk.

    She watched the chef splatter sauce onto the plate with precision.

    The kids had fun as they splatter mud on each other during the rain.

    He tried to avoid the splatter of paint while working on his art project.

    The fireworks made a beautiful splatter of colors in the night sky.

    When the balloon popped, it caused a splatter of confetti everywhere.

    The artist loved to splatter paint to create a sense of chaos in his work.

    During the cooking class, the instructor warned us about the splatter from the hot oil.

    The splatter of raindrops on the window created a soothing sound.

  • spatter

    The paint began to spatter across the canvas, creating a chaotic masterpiece.

    As the rain started to fall, it began to spatter against the window, creating a soothing sound.

    The chef warned us to stand back as the oil would spatter when it heated up.

    Children love to spatter paint during art class, making colorful messes everywhere.

    The mud would spatter on the car if we drove through the puddles.

    During the fireworks show, sparks would spatter in all directions, lighting up the night sky.

    The artist used a brush to spatter paint, giving the artwork a unique texture.

    When the balloon popped, it caused water to spatter all over the floor.

    The gardener noticed the soil would spatter when he watered the plants too vigorously.

    As the car sped by, it caused the puddles to spatter water onto the sidewalk.

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