sorry to bother you vs sorry for bothering you:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はsorry to bother youです。

sorry to bother you or sorry for bothering you? : 意味と違い

「Sorry to bother you」と「sorry for bothering you」は、どちらも相手に迷惑をかけたことを謝る表現ですが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。「Sorry to bother you」は、相手の時間を奪ってしまうことに対する申し訳なさが強く、何か行動を起こそうとする瞬間に使われることが多いです。一方で、「sorry for bothering you」は、すでに相手に迷惑をかけた状況で謝罪する際に主に用いられます。このような微細な違いを理解し、状況に応じた適切な表現を選ぶことが重要です。

  • sorry to bother youの例文

    H例文でのsorry to bother youの用法


    Sorry to bother you while you’re busy, but I had a question about the project I’m working on.

    Sorry to bother you on the weekend, but I’m a bit confused about the instructions for the assignment.

    Sorry to Bother You is apparently a really good movie.

    Sorry to bother you again, but I need some help with this project.

    Sorry to bother you, but can we talk later today when you’re free?

    Sorry to bother you, but I saw a funny video that I think you’ll like.

    Sorry to bother you while you’re watching TV, but could you lend me a hand with something?

    Sorry to bother you, but can you fix the sink when you have the chance?

    Sorry to bother you, but could you pick up some groceries when you come back from your friend’s house?

    Sorry to bother you; I wasn’t sure if you’d be busy right now.

    Hi, I’m sorry to bother you, but could you give me directions to the famous statue?

  • sorry for bothering youの例文

    例文でのsorry for bothering youの用法


    I’m really sorry for bothering you.

    Sorry for bothering you on your day off, I just wanted to clarify something.

    Sorry for bothering you this late, but would you be able to cover my shift in the morning?

    I’m sorry for bothering you, I just really need help with this.

    I really appreciate your help, and once again, I’m sorry for bothering you.

    Sorry for bothering you with stupid questions.

    I’m sorry for bothering you all the time.

    I’m sorry for bothering you when you’re trying to work.

    Sorry for bothering you—I didn’t realize that you were busy.

    Sorry for bothering you; I’ll let you get back to your work.

    I’m sorry for bothering you so often, I just don’t want to make any mistakes.

    Baby, I'm sorry for bothering you with all my problems.

    Oh, My Bad. I'm Sorry for Bothering You. I Forgot, I Only Exist When You Need Me for Something!

    I'm really sorry for bothering you.

    Sorry for bothering you with this, but what is oldest sibling syndrome? Again, sorry for bothering and thank you.

    Hi, sorry for bothering you, may I ask you a question?

    Sorry for bothering you, but I accidentally reported you on the Steam admin for scamming me and also for having fake items instead of someone else who deceived me.

    If it wasn't you, I'm sorry for bothering you. Am Ithe only "Alice Eckles" who is so sensitive about her name?

    "Just ignore her." Beau says to what I now see is Narin. "What's up?" Beau asks her. "Oh I'm so sorry for bothering you guys. I'll just talk to Kaede later.”

    Rather than saying, “I'm sorry for bothering you with this,” say, “Thank you for taking the time to work with me on this.”

    I'm also always shocked when someone stops me on the street and says, 'Sorry for bothering you but I think you're great,' or 'Sorry for bothering you but…’

    “Thank you so much, and sorry for bothering you. Have a nice day and stay safe,” Sarah said as she walked away and dialed the mother's number.

    Prachi says** sorry for bothering you** and says tomorrow morning I will chase the goat out of your garden.

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