somewhere vs nowhere:どちらが正しい?


somewhere or nowhere? : 意味と違い


  • somewhereの例文


    I hope to find my keys somewhere in the house.

    She said she would meet us somewhere near the park.

    There must be a solution somewhere in this book.

    I left my phone somewhere on the table.

    We can go somewhere nice for dinner tonight.

    He always finds a way to hide somewhere when he’s upset.

    I wish I could travel somewhere exotic this summer.

    The treasure is buried somewhere in the old forest.

    You can find inspiration somewhere in nature.

    Let’s sit somewhere quiet and talk.

  • nowhereの例文


    I searched for my keys, but they were nowhere to be found.

    The treasure map led us to a place that was nowhere near the old castle.

    In the vast desert, we felt nowhere but lost and alone.

    She felt that her dreams were nowhere close to reality.

    The answer to the riddle seemed to be nowhere in sight.

    He realized that his happiness was nowhere but within himself.

    The path we took led us nowhere but into the thick woods.

    Despite our efforts, the solution was nowhere to be discovered.

    In the chaos of the city, peace felt nowhere to be found.

    After hours of searching, the missing document was nowhere in the office.

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