sneaked vs snuck:どちらが正しい?


sneaked or snuck? : 意味と違い


  • sneakedの例文


    The cat sneaked into the room without anyone noticing.

    He sneaked a piece of cake when no one was looking.

    She sneaked out of the house to meet her friends.

    They sneaked a peek at the surprise party preparations.

    The dog sneaked up on the squirrel in the yard.

    He sneaked his phone into the exam room despite the rules.

    She sneaked a quick glance at her watch during the meeting.

    The children sneaked away to play in the park after school.

    He sneaked a few extra fries from his friend's plate.

    They sneaked into the theater just before the movie started.

  • snuckの例文


    I snuck into the theater just before the movie started.

    She snuck a cookie from the jar when no one was looking.

    They snuck out of the house to meet their friends at the park.

    He snuck a glance at the test answers during the exam.

    The cat snuck up on the unsuspecting bird in the garden.

    We snuck away for a weekend trip without telling anyone.

    She snuck a note into his backpack to surprise him later.

    The kids snuck into the backyard to play without permission.

    He snuck a few extra fries from her plate when she wasn't watching.

    They snuck into the concert by using fake tickets.

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