smelled vs smelt:どちらが正しい?


smelled or smelt? : 意味と違い


  • smelledの例文


    The cake smelled delicious as it baked in the oven.

    She smelled the flowers in the garden, enjoying their fragrance.

    He smelled the fresh coffee brewing in the kitchen.

    The dog smelled something unusual in the bushes.

    As they walked through the market, they smelled various spices and foods.

    The ocean air smelled salty and refreshing.

    After the rain, the earth smelled clean and vibrant.

    The old book smelled musty, filled with history.

    She smelled the perfume on her friend's wrist and complimented her.

    The campfire smelled of burning wood and marshmallows.

  • smeltの例文


    The blacksmith will smelt the iron to create a sword.

    You can smelt the metal at high temperatures to purify it.

    They decided to smelt the old coins into new bars of gold.

    To make jewelry, you need to smelt the raw materials first.

    The factory uses a furnace to smelt aluminum from its ore.

    He learned how to smelt copper during his metalworking class.

    In ancient times, people would smelt ores using simple tools.

    The process to smelt silver requires careful temperature control.

    You can smelt down scrap metal to recycle it effectively.

    The artist chose to smelt the bronze for his sculpture project.

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