sale vs sell:どちらが正しい?


sale or sell? : 意味と違い


  • saleの例文


    The store is having a big sale this weekend.

    I found a great deal during the sale at the mall.

    Don't miss the sale on winter clothing starting tomorrow.

    She saved a lot of money during the sale on electronics.

    The sale on shoes was too good to pass up.

    We decided to go shopping because of the sale at our favorite store.

    I always look forward to the annual sale at the bookstore.

    The sale prices were marked down significantly for the holiday.

    He bought a new laptop during the back-to-school sale.

    The sale event attracted many customers to the shop.

  • sellの例文


    I want to sell my old car to buy a new one.

    She decided to sell her handmade jewelry online.

    The store will sell the latest smartphone starting next week.

    He hopes to sell enough cookies to fund his school trip.

    They plan to sell their house and move to a bigger city.

    The artist wants to sell her paintings at the local gallery.

    We need to sell more tickets to make this event successful.

    He managed to sell his idea to the investors during the meeting.

    The company aims to sell its products internationally by next year.

    She was able to sell her old textbooks to other students.

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