regimen vs regime:どちらが正しい?


regimen or regime? : 意味と違い


  • regimenの例文


    The athlete follows a strict regimen to enhance his performance.

    She has adopted a new regimen for her skincare routine.

    The doctor recommended a balanced diet as part of her regimen for better health.

    To achieve his fitness goals, he sticks to a rigorous exercise regimen.

    The regimen of medication was crucial for her recovery.

    He believes that a consistent regimen is key to maintaining mental clarity.

    The nutritionist designed a personalized regimen for weight loss.

    After the surgery, the patient was given a regimen to aid in healing.

    The regimen of daily meditation has improved her overall well-being.

    Following a regimen of regular check-ups can prevent serious health issues.

  • regimeの例文


    The new regime implemented strict policies to improve public health.

    Many citizens were unhappy with the changes brought by the regime.

    The regime of the country faced international criticism for its human rights violations.

    Under the current regime, economic growth has been stagnant.

    The regime change led to a shift in foreign relations.

    Activists are calling for a democratic regime to replace the authoritarian one.

    The military regime took control after the coup.

    A stable regime is essential for attracting foreign investment.

    The regime of the new government promised to tackle corruption.

    Historical accounts often reflect on the impact of the regime on society.

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