recurring vs reoccurring:どちらが正しい?


recurring or reoccurring? : 意味と違い


  • recurringの例文


    The recurring theme in her paintings reflects her personal journey.

    He noticed a recurring pattern in the data that needed further analysis.

    Their recurring meetings help keep the project on track.

    She has been dealing with recurring headaches for several weeks now.

    The recurring issues in the software require immediate attention from the developers.

    His recurring dreams often leave him feeling unsettled.

    The recurring expenses in the budget need to be monitored closely.

    They planned a recurring event to engage the community every month.

    The recurring motifs in the story add depth to the characters.

    She found comfort in the recurring support of her friends during tough times.

  • reoccurringの例文


    The issue of climate change is a reoccurring theme in many discussions.

    In her dreams, she often encounters reoccurring symbols that hold deep meaning.

    The reoccurring problems in the project led to a reevaluation of the strategy.

    He noticed a reoccurring pattern in the data that required further analysis.

    The reoccurring nightmares made it difficult for him to sleep peacefully.

    Their reoccurring meetings helped strengthen the team's collaboration.

    She found the reoccurring motifs in the artwork fascinating and thought-provoking.

    The reoccurring delays in the schedule frustrated everyone involved.

    His reoccurring injuries forced him to reconsider his training regimen.

    The reoccurring theme of love in her poetry resonated with many readers.

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