rack vs wrack:どちらが正しい?


rack or wrack? : 意味と違い

「rack」と「wrack」は、英語で異なる意味を持つ単語です。「rack」は通常、物を置くための棚やラックを指します。一方、「wrack」は、破壊や損失を意味し、特に「wrack and ruin」という表現で使われることが多いです。また、「rack」は動詞として「引っ掛ける」や「苦しめる」という意味も持ちますが、「wrack」は主に名詞として使われます。したがって、二つの単語は用途や意味が大きく異なります。

  • rackの例文


    The books were neatly arranged on the rack.

    He decided to rack his brain for a solution.

    The coat rack by the door was empty.

    She placed the trophies on the display rack.

    The rack of lamb was cooked to perfection.

    He used a rack to dry the dishes after washing them.

    The rack in the gym was filled with weights.

    They installed a bike rack outside the building.

    The rack of spices added flavor to the dish.

    She felt a sense of accomplishment as she cleared the rack of clutter.

  • wrackの例文


    The storm caused the ship to wrack against the rocks.

    She felt her emotions wrack her mind after the breakup.

    The intense workout began to wrack his muscles.

    Memories of the past can often wrack one's thoughts.

    The earthquake did not just wrack the buildings but also the community's spirit.

    He watched as the waves began to wrack the shoreline.

    The stress of the job can wrack a person's health over time.

    They tried to wrack their brains for a solution to the problem.

    The relentless pressure began to wrack her confidence.

    The old car was left to wrack in the junkyard for years.

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