queue vs cue:どちらが正しい?


queue or cue? : 意味と違い


  • queueの例文


    The students formed a queue outside the classroom for the exam.

    I had to wait in a long queue at the grocery store.

    The queue for the concert tickets stretched around the block.

    She joined the queue to get her coffee in the morning.

    During the sale, the queue at the register was never-ending.

    He patiently stood in the queue for the amusement park ride.

    The queue of cars at the traffic light was frustrating.

    They decided to skip the queue and order online instead.

    In the library, there was a queue for the new book release.

    The queue for the bus was moving slowly due to the rain.

  • cueの例文


    The actor took a deep breath before waiting for his cue to enter the stage.

    During the meeting, she gave a subtle cue to start the presentation.

    The director provided a cue for the music to begin at the right moment.

    He missed his cue and walked on stage too early, causing confusion.

    The teacher used a hand signal as a cue for the students to start their work.

    In the dance routine, the dancers relied on their partner's cue to synchronize their moves.

    The dog responded to the trainer's cue and performed the trick perfectly.

    She took a deep breath, waiting for the cue to begin her speech.

    The coach gave a loud cue for the players to start the game.

    He always looks for a visual cue to help him remember the next line.

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