program vs programme:どちらが正しい?


program or programme? : 意味と違い

「program」と「programme」は、主に英語の使用地域によって異なります。「program」はアメリカ英語で使われるのに対し、「programme」はイギリス英語で使われます。意味は基本的に同じで、計画やソフトウェアを指しますが、文脈によって使い分けられます。例えば、テレビの番組は「TV program」と言い、イギリスでは「TV programme」となります。したがって、地域によって適切な表記を選ぶことが重要です。

  • programの例文


    I decided to enroll in a new program to improve my coding skills.

    The university offers a comprehensive program in environmental science.

    She was excited to start her internship program this summer.

    The fitness program helped him lose weight and gain muscle.

    They launched a new program to support local artists.

    I watched a documentary about the program that trains service dogs.

    The program for the conference includes several keynote speakers.

    He is developing a program that helps students learn math more effectively.

    The charity program aims to provide food for the homeless.

    We need to update the program to fix the bugs reported by users.

  • programmeの例文


    The programme for the conference was released last week.

    She enrolled in a new fitness programme to improve her health.

    The television programme aired at prime time and attracted millions of viewers.

    He is responsible for organizing the training programme for new employees.

    The school launched a special programme to support students with learning difficulties.

    They followed the programme closely to ensure everything went smoothly.

    The charity programme aims to provide food and shelter to the homeless.

    She was excited to participate in the cultural exchange programme this summer.

    The programme includes various workshops and guest speakers.

    After reviewing the programme, they decided to make some changes for next year.

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