pour over vs pore over:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はpour overです。

pour over or pore over? : 意味と違い

「pour over」と「pore over」は発音が似ていますが、意味は異なります。「pour over」は液体を注ぐことを指し、例えばコーヒーを淹れる際に使われます。一方、「pore over」は何かを注意深く調べたり、じっくり考えたりすることを意味します。例えば、本や資料をじっくり読むときに使われます。このように、前者は物理的な行為、後者は精神的な行為を表しています。

  • pour overの例文

    H例文でのpour overの用法

    I love to pour over my favorite books on a rainy day.

    She decided to pour over the details of the project before the meeting.

    Every morning, I pour over the news to stay informed.

    He likes to pour over maps when planning his next hiking trip.

    The chef will pour over the sauce to enhance the flavor of the dish.

    During the exam, I had to pour over my notes to recall the information.

    They spent hours pouring over the evidence to solve the mystery.

    I often pour over my sketches to find inspiration for new designs.

    She would pour over her family photo albums, reminiscing about the past.

    It's important to pour over the instructions before starting the assembly.

  • pore overの例文

    例文でのpore overの用法

    She decided to pore over the ancient texts to uncover their secrets.

    After a long day, he likes to pore over his favorite novels before bed.

    The students were instructed to pore over the research papers for their project.

    In the library, she would often pore over the latest fashion magazines.

    He spent hours pore over the maps, planning the perfect hiking route.

    To prepare for the exam, she had to pore over her notes every night.

    The detective had to pore over the evidence to find the missing clues.

    During the weekend, he would pore over his collection of vintage records.

    She loves to pore over cookbooks, searching for new recipes to try.

    As a historian, he must pore over documents to understand the past.

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