pleaded vs pled:どちらが正しい?


pleaded or pled? : 意味と違い


  • pleadedの例文


    The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges against him.

    She pleaded with her parents to let her go to the concert.

    During the trial, the lawyer pleaded for leniency on behalf of his client.

    He pleaded his case passionately, hoping for a favorable outcome.

    The child pleaded for a puppy, promising to take care of it.

    In her speech, she pleaded for peace and understanding among nations.

    The suspect pleaded for a chance to explain his side of the story.

    She pleaded with her friend to forgive her for the mistake.

    The activist pleaded for the protection of endangered species.

    He pleaded with the judge for a lighter sentence due to his circumstances.

  • pledの例文


    I pled my support for the charity during the event.

    She pled guilty to the charges in court.

    The student pled for more time to complete the assignment.

    He pled with his parents to let him go to the concert.

    They pled for peace during the protest.

    The defendant pled not guilty to the accusations.

    She pled her case passionately to the committee.

    He pled for understanding in a difficult situation.

    The organization pled for donations to help the victims.

    After much consideration, she pled her loyalty to the team.

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