pipe vs pike:どちらが正しい?


pipe or pike? : 意味と違い


  • pipeの例文


    The water flows through the pipe smoothly.

    He used a pipe to smoke his favorite tobacco.

    The construction workers installed a new pipe for the plumbing system.

    She heard a strange noise coming from the pipe in the basement.

    The artist created a sculpture that resembled a pipe.

    They decided to pipe music into the outdoor area for the event.

    The pipe burst during the winter freeze, causing a flood.

    He played a beautiful melody on his pipe during the festival.

    The pipe dream of traveling the world became a reality.

    They used a pipe wrench to tighten the fittings.

  • pikeの例文


    The fisherman caught a large pike in the lake.

    The pike is known for its sharp teeth and aggressive nature.

    During the summer, we often go fishing for pike in the river.

    The pike swam swiftly through the clear waters.

    He used a special lure to attract the pike during the tournament.

    In some regions, pike is considered a delicacy.

    The children were excited to see a pike swimming near the dock.

    She read a book about the life cycle of the pike.

    The pike is a popular target for sport fishermen.

    They spotted a pike lurking among the reeds.

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