past vs passed:どちらが正しい?


past or passed? : 意味と違い

「past」と「passed」は異なる意味を持つ言葉です。「past」は名詞や形容詞として使われ、過去の出来事や時間を指します。一方、「passed」は動詞「pass」の過去形で、何かを通り過ぎたり、合格したりすることを意味します。例えば、「過去の出来事(past events)」と「試験に合格した(passed the exam)」のように使われます。文脈によって使い分けることが重要です。

  • pastの例文


    The past is a great teacher for those who learn from it.

    She often reminisces about her past adventures in Europe.

    In the past, people relied on handwritten letters for communication.

    He has moved on from his past mistakes and is now focused on the future.

    The past year has been challenging for many families.

    They decided to visit the past site of the ancient ruins.

    Understanding the past can help us make better decisions today.

    Her past experiences shaped her into the person she is now.

    The past is filled with lessons that are often forgotten.

    He wrote a book reflecting on his past and the lessons learned.

  • passedの例文


    The exam was difficult, but I passed with flying colors.

    After weeks of training, she finally passed the marathon.

    He passed the message along to his colleagues.

    The car passed us on the highway at an incredible speed.

    She passed the time by reading her favorite book.

    They passed the ball back and forth during the game.

    The law was passed unanimously by the committee.

    He passed out from exhaustion after the long hike.

    The train passed through the tunnel without any delays.

    She passed her driving test on the first try.

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  • どのような種類の文書でも専門的な英文校正サービスをご提供
  • 5年以上の経歴を有する各専門分野のネイティブ校正者がサービスをご提供
  • 世界各国の大学と提携を結び、世界中の研究陣および学生が信頼するサービス
  • 高品質英文校正サービス(学術論文校正サービス/留学願書英文校正サービス)を利用して、ワードバイスの4.9/5.0の顧客満足度をご実感ください。
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