on vs in



「on」は物の表面に接触している状態を表します。例えば、「テーブルの上に本がある」は「There is a book on the table」となります。一方、「in」は物の内部に存在することを示します。「箱の中におもちゃがある」は「There is a toy in the box」となります。このように、物の位置や状態によって使い分けられます。

  • on

    The cat is sitting on the windowsill.

    She placed the book on the table.

    We went for a walk on the beach.

    He turned on the lights in the room.

    The meeting is scheduled on Friday.

    I rely on my friends for support.

    The painting hangs on the wall.

    She put her phone on silent mode.

    They decided to go on a road trip.

    The teacher wrote on the blackboard.

  • in

    The cat is sleeping in the sun.

    She found her keys in the drawer.

    He is interested in learning new languages.

    The book is in the backpack.

    They live in a small town.

    I saw a movie in the theater last night.

    The cookies are in the oven.

    She is in charge of the project.

    We went for a walk in the park.

    He put the letter in the mailbox.

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