oldest vs eldest:どちらが正しい?


oldest or eldest? : 意味と違い

「oldest」と「eldest」はどちらも「最も古い」という意味ですが、使い方に違いがあります。「oldest」は物や年齢に関して一般的に使われますが、「eldest」は主に兄弟姉妹の中で最も年上の人を指します。例えば、家族の中で一番年上の兄は「eldest brother」と言います。「oldest」は歴史的な建物や古い物品にも使われることがあります。したがって、文脈によって使い分ける必要があります。

  • oldestの例文


    The oldest tree in the park is over a hundred years old.

    She is the oldest sibling in her family.

    The oldest book in the library dates back to the 18th century.

    He claims to have the oldest car in the neighborhood.

    The oldest monument in the city attracts many tourists.

    This painting is considered the oldest work of art in the gallery.

    The oldest living creature on Earth is a type of jellyfish.

    They discovered the oldest fossil during their excavation.

    The oldest traditions are often the most cherished in a culture.

    In the competition, she was the oldest participant by a significant margin.

  • eldestの例文


    The eldest sibling always takes care of the younger ones.

    In our family, the eldest child has the most responsibilities.

    My eldest friend is celebrating her birthday this weekend.

    The eldest member of the team shared his wisdom with us.

    She is the eldest daughter in a family of five.

    The eldest son inherited the family business.

    During the reunion, the eldest relative told stories from the past.

    He often seeks advice from his eldest brother.

    The eldest student in the class received a scholarship.

    In many cultures, the eldest child is expected to lead the family.

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