my apologies vs my apology:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はmy apologiesです。

my apologies or my apology? : 意味と違い

「my apologies」は、謝罪の意を表すフレーズで、複数形のため、より丁寧な印象を与えます。一方、「my apology」は、単数形で特定の謝罪を指します。例えば、何かのミスに対して「my apologies」と言うと、一般的な謝罪を示しますが、「my apology」と言うと、特定の行動に対する謝罪を意味します。どちらも謝罪の表現ですが、使う場面によってニュアンスが異なります。

  • my apologiesの例文

    H例文でのmy apologiesの用法

    I would like to express my apologies for the misunderstanding.

    Please accept my apologies for being late to the meeting.

    My apologies if I offended anyone with my comments.

    I owe you my apologies for not responding sooner.

    My apologies for the inconvenience caused by the delay.

    I sincerely offer my apologies for the error in the report.

    My apologies for not being able to attend the event.

    I hope you can accept my apologies for the oversight.

    My apologies for any confusion regarding the schedule.

    Please know that my apologies come from the heart.

  • my apologyの例文

    例文でのmy apologyの用法

    I want to express my apology for the misunderstanding.

    Please accept my apology for being late to the meeting.

    My apology goes out to anyone I may have offended.

    I hope you can accept my apology for the mistake I made.

    My apology is sincere, and I promise to do better.

    I owe you my apology for not keeping my word.

    Please know that my apology comes from the heart.

    I would like to offer my apology for the inconvenience caused.

    My apology is a step towards making things right.

    I appreciate your understanding and accept my apology.

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