more fun vs funner:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はmore funです。

more fun or funner? : 意味と違い

「more fun」と「funner」は、どちらも「楽しい」という意味を持つ表現ですが、使い方に違いがあります。「more fun」は比較級の形で、より正式な場面で使われることが多いです。一方、「funner」はカジュアルな会話で使われることが多く、特に若い世代に好まれます。文法的には「fun」は形容詞ですが、一般的には「more fun」が正しいとされています。したがって、場面に応じて使い分けることが大切です。

  • more funの例文

    H例文でのmore funの用法

    I think this game is more fun than the last one.

    We should invite more friends to make it more fun.

    The party was great, but I believe it could be more fun with some music.

    Traveling with family is always more fun than going alone.

    This movie is definitely more fun than I expected.

    Playing outside is more fun when the weather is nice.

    I find cooking with friends to be more fun than cooking alone.

    The new roller coaster is more fun than the old one.

    Studying together makes learning more fun and effective.

    I enjoy reading books, but discussing them with others is more fun.

  • funnerの例文


    The game became funner when we added more players.

    I think this movie is even funner than the last one.

    Playing outside is always funner than staying indoors.

    The party was funner with all our friends there.

    Learning new things can be funner with a group.

    This ride is definitely funner than the previous one.

    I find it funner to cook with someone else.

    The new version of the app is funner to use.

    Our trip was funner than we expected.

    I believe that teamwork makes everything funner.

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