mean time vs meantime:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はmean timeです。

mean time or meantime? : 意味と違い

「mean time」と「meantime」は異なる意味を持ちます。「mean time」は平均的な時間を指し、特定のデータや状況に基づいて計算された時間のことです。一方、「meantime」は「その間」や「同時に」という意味で、ある出来事の間に起こることを示します。例えば、何かを待っている間に別のことをする場合に「meantime」を使います。したがって、文脈によって使い分ける必要があります。

  • mean timeの例文

    H例文でのmean timeの用法

    The project will take longer than expected; in the mean time, we should focus on other tasks.

    While we wait for the results, let's use the mean time to review our strategy.

    The mean time between failures is an important metric in engineering.

    In the mean time, please ensure that all reports are submitted on time.

    We can’t start the next phase yet; in the mean time, let’s gather more data.

    The mean time of arrival for the train is usually around 5 PM.

    In the mean time, I will prepare the presentation for the meeting.

    The mean time it takes to complete the survey is about 10 minutes.

    While the repairs are ongoing, we will use the mean time to assess other issues.

    In the mean time, I suggest we brainstorm some new ideas for the campaign.

  • meantimeの例文


    I will finish my report; in the meantime, I will prepare for the meeting.

    She decided to start cooking; in the meantime, she set the table.

    The project is on hold; in the meantime, we can focus on other tasks.

    He is studying for his exams; in the meantime, he is also working part-time.

    The car is being repaired; in the meantime, we can use public transport.

    The weather is unpredictable; in the meantime, we should carry an umbrella.

    The team is waiting for feedback; in the meantime, they are brainstorming new ideas.

    The website is under maintenance; in the meantime, users can check our social media.

    She is looking for a new job; in the meantime, she is enhancing her skills.

    The movie starts at eight; in the meantime, let's grab some snacks.

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