may vs might:どちらが正しい?


may or might? : 意味と違い

「may」と「might」はどちらも可能性を表す助動詞ですが、ニュアンスに違いがあります。「may」は現在または未来の可能性を示す際に使われることが多く、より強い可能性を示唆します。一方、「might」は過去の可能性や、より低い可能性を示す場合に使われることが一般的です。例えば、「It may rain tomorrow.(明日雨が降るかもしれない)」は、明日雨が降る可能性が比較的高いことを示していますが、「It might rain tomorrow.(明日雨が降るかもしれない)」は、降る可能性が低いことを示唆しています。

  • mayの例文


    I may go to the party tonight.

    She may have forgotten her keys at home.

    They said it may rain later this afternoon.

    You may want to check your email for updates.

    He may join us for dinner if he finishes work early.

    This may be the best opportunity we have.

    We may need to reschedule our meeting next week.

    The movie may start earlier than expected.

    You may find this book helpful for your research.

    I think she may be interested in the project.

  • mightの例文


    I might go to the party if I finish my work.

    She said she might join us for dinner later.

    They might have already left for the airport.

    He might be the one who can help us with this problem.

    We might see a movie this weekend if we have time.

    You might want to check your email for the latest updates.

    It might rain tomorrow, so take an umbrella.

    This book might be exactly what you are looking for.

    I think she might be interested in the job offer.

    They might not understand the instructions without help.

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