madam vs madame:どちらが正しい?


madam or madame? : 意味と違い


  • madamの例文


    The madam at the front desk was very helpful.

    I addressed her as madam to show respect.

    The madam of the house organized a lovely dinner party.

    In the play, the madam had a mysterious past.

    The madam gave a warm smile to her guests.

    He referred to her as madam during the formal meeting.

    The madam was known for her elegant style.

    She acted like a true madam in the social gathering.

    The madam offered her assistance to those in need.

    Everyone admired the madam for her leadership skills.

  • madameの例文


    The madame at the restaurant recommended the chef's special.

    I spoke to the madame about the upcoming event.

    The madame was known for her elegant style and grace.

    As a madame, she managed the affairs of the establishment with poise.

    The madame greeted us warmly as we entered the boutique.

    In the play, the madame played a pivotal role in the storyline.

    The madame offered her guests a selection of fine wines.

    Everyone admired the madame for her leadership skills.

    The madame organized a charity event to support local artists.

    I was impressed by the madame's knowledge of art and culture.

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