like vs as:どちらが正しい?


like or as? : 意味と違い


  • likeの例文


    I really like this new restaurant in town.

    She acts like she knows everything.

    Do you like to play sports on the weekends?

    He looks like he just came from the gym.

    I like reading books before going to bed.

    They seem to like each other a lot.

    This song sounds like a classic hit.

    I would like to travel to Europe someday.

    It feels like summer already with this warm weather.

    She dances like nobody is watching.

  • asの例文


    She worked as a teacher for several years.

    He acted as if he didn’t know anything.

    They used the room as a storage space.

    She sings beautifully, as expected.

    He joined the team as soon as he arrived.

    The event went exactly as planned.

    They celebrated as the final whistle blew.

    She stood as tall as she could.

    The book was left as it was found.

    He worked hard as he pursued his goals.

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