lightning vs lightening:どちらが正しい?


lightning or lightening? : 意味と違い


  • lightningの例文


    The lightning struck the tree, causing it to split in half.

    She was amazed by the beauty of the lightning storm in the night sky.

    The lightning fast car zoomed past us on the highway.

    He felt a surge of energy, like lightning, when he heard the good news.

    The lightning bolt illuminated the dark landscape for a brief moment.

    During the lightning show, the children watched in awe from their window.

    The lightning in the distance signaled an approaching storm.

    She captured the moment when the lightning hit the ground with her camera.

    The lightning flashed, followed by the rumble of thunder.

    He made a lightning decision to change his career path.

  • lighteningの例文


    She tried lightening her hair with a new product.

    The sky began lightening as dawn approached.

    He focused on lightening the load to make it easier to carry.

    They are lightening the color of the walls for a brighter look.

    The chef suggested lightening the sauce with a splash of lemon.

    She was interested in lightening her wardrobe for summer.

    They worked on lightening the atmosphere with some humor.

    The painter is lightening the shade for a softer effect.

    He found that lightening his schedule reduced stress.

    They used technology for lightening the weight of the materials.

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