license vs licence:どちらが正しい?


license or licence? : 意味と違い


  • licenseの例文


    I need to renew my license before it expires.

    He showed his driving license to the officer.

    The restaurant obtained a license to serve alcohol.

    She has a license to practice medicine in this state.

    You must have a license to operate that machinery.

    The license fee is due at the beginning of each year.

    He was thrilled to receive his fishing license for the season.

    They applied for a license to start their own business.

    Her license was suspended after the traffic violation.

    The license agreement outlines the terms of use for the software.

  • licenceの例文


    I need to renew my licence before it expires.

    She obtained her driving licence after passing the test.

    The restaurant has a licence to serve alcohol.

    He was excited to receive his fishing licence for the summer.

    You must have a valid licence to operate heavy machinery.

    The licence for the software must be purchased annually.

    They checked his licence to ensure it was valid.

    Her licence to practice law was granted after years of study.

    The licence plate on the car was difficult to read.

    He lost his licence and had to apply for a replacement.

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