kneeled vs knelt:どちらが正しい?


kneeled or knelt? : 意味と違い

「kneeled」と「knelt」は、どちらも「ひざまずく」という意味の動詞ですが、使われる形が異なります。「kneeled」は主にアメリカ英語で使われる過去形で、「knelt」は主にイギリス英語で使われる過去形です。文法的には、どちらも正しいですが、地域によって好まれる形が異なります。例えば、アメリカでは「He kneeled to pray.」と表現され、イギリスでは「He knelt to pray.」と表現されます。したがって、使用する地域によって選択が変わることがあります。

  • kneeledの例文


    The knight kneeled before the king to show his loyalty.

    She kneeled on the ground to tie her shoelaces.

    During the ceremony, he kneeled to propose to his girlfriend.

    The child kneeled in prayer at the church altar.

    After the fall, he kneeled to check if he was hurt.

    They kneeled together in the garden to plant flowers.

    The soldier kneeled to pay respect at the memorial.

    She kneeled beside her friend to comfort her.

    He kneeled down to help the puppy that was stuck.

    In the play, the actor kneeled dramatically to deliver his lines.

  • kneltの例文


    The knight knelt before the queen to show his loyalty.

    She knelt down to tie her shoelaces before the race.

    In prayer, he knelt at the altar, seeking guidance.

    The child knelt in the garden, admiring the flowers.

    During the ceremony, the soldier knelt to receive his medal.

    As the sun set, they knelt on the beach to watch the waves.

    He knelt beside his friend, offering comfort in tough times.

    The artist knelt to get a better angle for her painting.

    When the dog approached, she knelt to pet it gently.

    In the old church, many knelt in reverence during the service.

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