it's vs its:どちらが正しい?


it's or its? : 意味と違い

「it's」は「it is」または「it has」の短縮形で、主に動詞を伴う文で使われます。一方、「its」は所有格で、「それの」という意味を持ち、名詞を修飾します。例えば、「It's a sunny day.」(今日は晴れた日です。)と「The dog wagged its tail.」(その犬は尻尾を振った。)のように使い分けます。文脈によって使い方が異なるため、注意が必要です。

  • it'sの例文


    It's a beautiful day outside.

    I think it's going to rain later.

    It's important to stay hydrated.

    She said it's her favorite book.

    It's never too late to learn something new.

    I believe it's time for a change.

    It's amazing how quickly time flies.

    He thinks it's a good idea to start early.

    It's hard to say no sometimes.

    They believe it's the best solution for the problem.

  • itsの例文


    The cat licked its paws.

    The company announced its new product line.

    The tree lost its leaves in the fall.

    She found its location on the map.

    The dog wagged its tail happily.

    The book had its cover torn.

    He admired its beauty from afar.

    The team celebrated its victory.

    The car needs its oil changed.

    The child hugged its favorite toy.

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