inquire vs enquire:どちらが正しい?


inquire or enquire? : 意味と違い


  • inquireの例文


    I would like to inquire about the job opening at your company.

    Please inquire with the manager regarding the project status.

    She decided to inquire further into the matter before making a decision.

    If you have any questions, feel free to inquire at the front desk.

    The teacher encouraged students to inquire about topics that interest them.

    He called the office to inquire about the application process.

    They sent an email to inquire about the availability of the product.

    I need to inquire whether the meeting is still scheduled for tomorrow.

    Before making a purchase, it's wise to inquire about the warranty.

    The journalist wanted to inquire about the details of the event.

  • enquireの例文


    I would like to enquire about the availability of the product.

    Please enquire at the front desk for more information.

    She decided to enquire whether the event was still happening.

    If you wish to enquire further, feel free to contact us.

    He called the office to enquire about his application status.

    They sent an email to enquire about the job opening.

    I need to enquire about the pricing options available.

    Can you enquire if the meeting has been rescheduled?

    We should enquire about the terms and conditions before signing.

    It's always good to enquire about the warranty before purchasing.

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