in regard vs in regards:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はin regardです。

in regard or in regards? : 意味と違い

「in regard」と「in regards」の違いは、主に使い方にあります。「in regard to」は特定の事柄について言及する際に使われますが、「in regards to」はよりカジュアルな表現として使われることが多いです。また、「in regard to」は単数形で、特定の点に焦点を当てるのに対し、「in regards to」は複数形で、広範な内容に触れる場合に使われることがあります。文法的には「in regard to」が正確な表現とされています。

  • in regardの例文

    H例文でのin regardの用法

    The committee made a decision in regard to the new policy changes.

    She expressed her concerns in regard to the project's timeline.

    In regard to your question, I will need to do some research.

    The manager provided feedback in regard to the team's performance.

    In regard to the upcoming event, we need more volunteers.

    He has a unique perspective in regard to the issue at hand.

    In regard to the budget, we must make some adjustments.

    The report was comprehensive in regard to the findings.

    In regard to your application, we will notify you soon.

    They held a meeting in regard to the recent developments.

  • in regardsの例文

    例文でのin regardsの用法

    I am writing to you in regards to the meeting scheduled for next week.

    Please let me know your thoughts in regards to the proposal I sent.

    In regards to your recent inquiry, I have attached the necessary documents.

    We appreciate your feedback in regards to our services.

    In regards to the project timeline, we are on track to meet our deadlines.

    I would like to discuss the changes in regards to the contract terms.

    In regards to your request, we will need additional information.

    Thank you in regards to your prompt response to my email.

    In regards to the upcoming event, we have made all the necessary arrangements.

    Please feel free to reach out in regards to any further questions you may have.

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