in case vs incase:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はin caseです。

in case or incase? : 意味と違い

「in case」は「〜の場合に備えて」という意味で、条件や状況を示す際に使います。一方、「incase」は「保護するために入れる」という意味で、物を入れる行為を指します。例えば、「in case of emergency」は「緊急時の場合に備えて」となりますが、「incase of rain」は「雨から守るために」という使い方は誤りです。正しい表現は「in case」です。したがって、文脈によって使い分ける必要があります。

  • in caseの例文

    H例文でのin caseの用法

    I will bring an umbrella in case it rains.

    Make sure to save your work in case the computer crashes.

    She packed extra snacks in case we get hungry on the trip.

    I’ll call you later in case I need your help.

    He took a jacket in case it gets cold tonight.

    Please keep your phone charged in case of an emergency.

    I’ll leave early in case there’s traffic on the way.

    Bring a map in case we get lost.

    I’ll send you the details in case you forget.

    Don’t forget to check the weather in case we need to change our plans.

  • incaseの例文


    They decided to incase the ancient artifact in glass.

    The company will incase the product in a protective covering.

    She planned to incase the flowers in resin as a keepsake.

    They used special material to incase the wires safely.

    The designer wanted to incase the sculpture in a clear shell.

    Workers will incase the pipes to prevent corrosion.

    He chose to incase the documents in plastic for durability.

    They incase the entire structure to protect it from the elements.

    The artist decided to incase the painting in a custom frame.

    They used foam to incase fragile items during shipping.

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