in between vs inbetween:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はin betweenです。

in between or inbetween? : 意味と違い

「in between」と「inbetween」は、主に使われる文脈によって異なります。「in between」は前置詞句として使われ、物や時間の間に位置することを示します。一方、「inbetween」は主に口語や非公式な文脈で使われることが多いです。また、「in between」はより正式な表現とされることが一般的です。したがって、文脈に応じて使い分けることが重要です。

  • in betweenの例文

    H例文でのin betweenの用法

    The cat sat in between the two dogs.

    She found her keys in between the couch cushions.

    The park is located in between the school and the library.

    He felt lost in between his dreams and reality.

    The treasure was hidden in between the old trees.

    They decided to meet in between their houses.

    The answer lies in between the lines of the text.

    She stood in between her friends during the photo.

    The river flows in between the mountains.

    He was caught in between a rock and a hard place.

  • inbetweenの例文


    The cat sat inbetween the two chairs.

    She felt a sense of calm inbetween the chaos of the city.

    The secret passage was hidden inbetween the bookshelves.

    He found his keys inbetween the couch cushions.

    The two friends stood inbetween the tall buildings, chatting.

    The river flows inbetween the mountains, creating a beautiful view.

    There was a small garden inbetween the two houses.

    The dog lay comfortably inbetween its owner's feet.

    The truth often lies inbetween the lines of a story.

    They decided to meet inbetween their two neighborhoods.

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