hoping vs hopping:どちらが正しい?


hoping or hopping? : 意味と違い

「hoping」は「希望する」という意味の動詞で、未来の出来事に対する期待を表します。一方、「hopping」は「跳ねる」という意味の動詞で、実際に跳ぶ動作を示します。例えば、「私は成功を希望している(I am hoping for success)」と「彼は楽しそうに跳ねている(He is hopping happily)」のように使われます。つまり、前者は感情や願望を表し、後者は動作を表します。

  • hopingの例文


    I am hoping to finish my project by the end of the week.

    She is hoping for a promotion at work this year.

    They are hoping to travel abroad next summer.

    We are hoping that the weather will be nice for the picnic.

    He is hoping to learn a new language soon.

    The team is hoping to win the championship this season.

    I am hoping to see you at the party tonight.

    She is hoping to get accepted into her dream university.

    They are hoping for a quick recovery after the surgery.

    We are hoping to make a positive impact in our community.

  • hoppingの例文


    The children were hopping with joy at the amusement park.

    She saw a rabbit hopping across the field.

    After dinner, we went hopping from one bar to another.

    The frog was hopping from lily pad to lily pad.

    He was hopping on one foot to entertain his friends.

    They spent the afternoon hopping around the city exploring new places.

    The dog was hopping excitedly when it saw its owner.

    She felt like hopping into a new adventure every weekend.

    The kids enjoyed hopping in the bouncy castle at the party.

    He was hopping to the beat of the music at the concert.

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