heroes vs heros:どちらが正しい?


heroes or heros? : 意味と違い


  • heroesの例文


    The heroes of the story showed incredible bravery.

    In times of crisis, ordinary people can become heroes.

    Many heroes have emerged throughout history to fight for justice.

    The children looked up to their heroes in the comic books.

    Every community has its own heroes who help those in need.

    The film portrays the heroes as flawed but relatable characters.

    We should celebrate the heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes.

    In mythology, heroes often embark on epic quests.

    The heroes of the game inspired players to work together.

    True heroes are often those who act selflessly for others.

  • herosの例文


    Heros was a legendary figure mentioned in several ancient Greek stories.

    The statue of Heros stood tall in the center of the village.

    People from neighboring cities would visit the temple of Heros for blessings.

    Historians found artifacts inscribed with the name Heros during the excavation.

    The tale of Heros was passed down through generations in this region.

    A festival was held annually to honor Heros and his mythical deeds.

    Ancient manuscripts often depicted Heros as a demigod with great powers.

    Many warriors looked up to Heros as a symbol of strength and courage.

    The legend of Heros inspired countless works of art and literature.

    Local myths say Heros could communicate with the gods in times of need.

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