good vs well:どちらが正しい?


good or well? : 意味と違い

「good」は形容詞で、名詞を修飾する際に使います。例えば、「good book(良い本)」のように使われます。一方、「well」は副詞で、動詞や形容詞を修飾します。例えば、「She sings well(彼女は上手に歌う)」のように使われます。また、「well」は健康状態を表す際にも使われ、「I am well(私は元気です)」という表現が可能です。要するに、「good」は物や人の質を表し、「well」は行動や状態の良さを表します。

  • goodの例文


    The weather today is really good.

    She did a good job on her presentation.

    It's always good to see old friends.

    He has a good sense of humor.

    This restaurant serves good food.

    I feel good about my decision.

    They had a good time at the party.

    Her advice was very good and helpful.

    A good book can change your perspective.

    It's good to take a break and relax.

  • wellの例文


    She sings well in the choir.

    He did well on his exam.

    They work together well as a team.

    I hope you are feeling well today.

    The project turned out well in the end.

    She plays the piano well for her age.

    He speaks English well after living abroad.

    Everything went well during the presentation.

    The food at the restaurant was prepared well.

    She handled the situation well under pressure.

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