get it vs got it:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はget itです。

get it or got it? : 意味と違い

「get it」は「理解する」や「手に入れる」という意味で、現在の状況や未来の行動を示します。一方、「got it」は「理解した」や「手に入れた」という過去の状態を表します。例えば、先生が「この問題が分かる?」と聞いたとき、生徒が「get it」と答えると、今理解していることを示します。逆に、「got it」と言うと、すでに理解したことを伝えています。つまり、前者は現在形、後者は過去形の違いがあります。

  • get itの例文

    H例文でのget itの用法

    I hope you can get it right this time.

    She explained the concept again so I could get it better.

    If you study hard, you'll definitely get it eventually.

    I didn't understand at first, but now I get it.

    Can you please repeat that? I didn't quite get it.

    Once you see the example, you'll get it for sure.

    Don't worry, you'll get it after some practice.

    I thought it was complicated, but now I get it.

    He always finds a way to help me get it.

    After discussing it with her, I finally get it.

  • got itの例文

    例文でのgot itの用法

    I finally got it after studying for hours.

    She explained the concept clearly, and now I got it.

    When he showed me the solution, I immediately got it.

    After practicing a few times, I really got it.

    I thought it was complicated, but now I got it.

    Once I saw the example, I completely got it.

    It took a while, but I eventually got it.

    I was confused at first, but now I got it.

    Thanks to your help, I finally got it.

    I can't believe I didn't understand before, but now I got it.

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