「fulfill」と「fulfil」は、どちらも「満たす」や「実現する」という意味を持つ動詞です。主な違いは、前者がアメリカ英語で使われ、後者がイギリス英語で使われる点です。例えば、アメリカでは「I want to fulfill my dreams.」と言いますが、イギリスでは「I want to fulfil my dreams.」となります。意味や用法に違いはなく、地域による表記の違いです。どちらを使っても正しいですが、文脈に応じて選ぶ必要があります。
I strive to fulfill my dreams every day.
She worked hard to fulfill her responsibilities at the office.
The charity aims to fulfill the needs of the local community.
He was determined to fulfill his promise to help her.
They hope to fulfill their goals by the end of the year.
To fulfill your potential, you must believe in yourself.
The team worked together to fulfill the project requirements.
She felt a sense of pride when she could fulfill her mother's wishes.
It is important to fulfill your commitments to others.
He found joy in helping to fulfill the dreams of others.
I strive to fulfil my dreams every day.
She worked hard to fulfil her responsibilities at the office.
They hope to fulfil their goals by the end of the year.
He was determined to fulfil his promise to help her.
The team aims to fulfil the project requirements on time.
To fulfil your potential, you must believe in yourself.
She felt a sense of joy when she could fulfil her mother's wishes.
The organization aims to fulfil its mission of helping the community.
He took steps to fulfil his ambition of becoming a doctor.
We need to fulfil our obligations to our clients.