follow-up vs followup:どちらが正しい?


follow-up or followup? : 意味と違い

「follow-up」と「followup」は、主に文脈によって使い分けられます。「follow-up」は名詞や形容詞として使われることが多く、特定の行動やイベントを指します。一方、「followup」は主にカジュアルな文脈で使われることが多いです。例えば、ビジネスメールでは「follow-up meeting」と表現されることが一般的です。どちらも同じ意味を持ちますが、形式やスタイルに応じて選ばれます。

  • follow-upの例文


    The doctor scheduled a follow-up appointment for next week.

    She sent a follow-up email to confirm the meeting details.

    After the presentation, he requested a follow-up discussion to address questions.

    The team conducted a follow-up survey to gather feedback from participants.

    It's important to have a follow-up plan after the initial consultation.

    They organized a follow-up session to review the project's progress.

    The follow-up report highlighted the key findings from the research.

    She made a follow-up call to ensure everything was on track.

    A follow-up letter was sent to thank the attendees for their participation.

    The follow-up analysis revealed significant improvements in performance.

  • followupの例文


    The doctor scheduled a followup appointment for next week.

    She sent a followup email to confirm the meeting details.

    After the presentation, he requested a followup discussion to address questions.

    The team is planning a followup survey to gather more feedback.

    Please make sure to include a followup section in your report.

    The followup call was essential to ensure everything was on track.

    They organized a followup workshop to build on the initial training.

    A followup letter was sent to thank the participants for their input.

    The followup analysis revealed important insights into customer behavior.

    We need to schedule a followup session to review the progress made.

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