everyone vs every one:どちらが正しい?


everyone or every one? : 意味と違い

「everyone」は「全ての人々」を指し、一般的に集団を表す言葉です。一方、「every one」は「それぞれの一人一人」を強調する表現で、特定の個体を指します。例えば、「Everyone is welcome.」(全ての人が歓迎されます。)は集団を指し、「Every one of you is important.」(あなたたち一人一人が大切です。)は個々の重要性を強調しています。文脈によって使い分けることが大切です。

  • everyoneの例文


    Everyone loves a good story.

    I hope everyone is having a great day.

    Everyone should try to be kind to one another.

    It's important that everyone feels included.

    Everyone has their own unique talents.

    I believe everyone can make a difference.

    Everyone deserves a second chance.

    Let's make sure everyone is heard in the discussion.

    Everyone can learn something new every day.

    I wish everyone the best of luck in their endeavors.

  • every oneの例文

    例文でのevery oneの用法

    The teacher praised every one of the students for their hard work.

    Every one of us has a unique story to tell.

    I hope every one enjoys the party tonight.

    Every one should take a moment to appreciate nature.

    It's important that every one feels included in the discussion.

    Every one of the team members contributed to the project.

    Every one needs a little kindness in their life.

    I believe every one can make a difference in the world.

    Every one of the books on the shelf is worth reading.

    Let's make sure every one understands the instructions clearly.

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